Monthly Newsletter: August Vol 2 Issue 8
Sunshine Mermaids, Inc.
Highlights and Quotes from this Summer:
- Camper Quote: Takes a deep breath “I got this, I can do this”…”that was SO awesome!”
- Parent Quote: “I don’t know what you did, but my daughter has never wanted to have anything to do with exercise and now she is excited about fitness!”
- Camper Quote: “I can’t believe how nervous I was, that was SO FUN.”
- Parent Quote: “I can’t believe how much you do with them, this camp is truly amazing.”
- Camper Quote: “I am SO proud of myself.”
- Parent Quote: “Your camp gave my daughter the courage to learn to swim.”
- Camper Quote: “This is the best camp EVER.”
- October 27 – Join the Sunshine Mermaids team at the Out of the Darkness Walk by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- December 1 – Fundraiser Banquet
- December 7 – Kids Holiday Fundraiser Event, Camper Awards Night, and Movie in the Park
- Spring Break Camps
Join Sunshine Mermaids for a fun evening at the 2nd Annual Fundraiser Banquet on December 1
- Silent and Live Auction
- Raffle
- Vendors
- Great Food
- Music
- Fun entertainment
- Free Childcare offered for this 21 and up event
- More information to follow